Mobile marketing refers to marketing with a mobile device. It has gathered immense popularity in the recent past due to factors such as convenience, ease of use and low time consumption. Mobile short codes are being utilized as a new channel to communicate with mobile consumers.

Various brands have captured the potential of mobile marketing and have begun to treat the mobile short code as a mobile domain.

Our Mobile marketing strategy helps in partnering with your consumers to get the information they need when they need it, wherever they are.

We are moving away from invasive SMS '"popups" and more towards seamless informational marketing. One of the most valuable times for a company to interact with a consumer is when they are actively interested in the product.

1 in 5 consumers accesses information via their phone in store. That number moves up to 1 in 2 in just 2 years.

The current model involves browsing and searching the web, basically the desktop model just on a smaller screen.