Smartphone as the Hub of Mobile Commerce

Though mobile devices have played only a small role in retail payments to date, developments within and beyond the mobile world suggest that they will take center stage very soon. Retailers must begin to determine what role mobile payments will play in their business. Our Solution will help businesses to transform the mobile users into paying customers.

Payment Methods

  • Bar-code payments
  • Numeric-code payments
  • Message-based payments
  • Browser-based payments
  • Application-based payments


Mobile payment is a trend that is quickly catching up with customers

Mobile payment solution currently in existence enable users not only to browse the Internet and communicate with their social network contacts while on the go, but also to make purchases and make payments for the same via the mobile channel and supports a secure payment flow with full support for “1-click purchase”; without them having to use cash or credit cards.

  • Secured Transaction with PIN enabled service
  • Say No to User names and passwords
  • Successful payment in less than 10 Seconds


Our Mobile payment Solution is the bridge between all your cross channel initiatives, and is meant to engage your users by providing convenient payment options and thus increasing brand awareness, influencing a purchase, or growing your brand loyalty and retention and hence ensuring maximum customer satisfaction.

Why use our Service?

No Cards Required

We can help you convert customers who can't pay online with a credit card. Anyone with a mobile phone can use ITON -- no bank accounts or registration required.

Business with Busy Customers

Busy people often drop out of the transaction when they see how many fields they have to fill in to pay by credit card. With our service, their mobile number is the only one they need

One to Many

Accept Payment on the go, with one single integration and can make you reach whole customer base.

Insecure to Secure

ITON removes the confusion in your customers in sharing their card details online. All transactions must be authorized directly from your customers' mobile phones—and sensitive card details are never shared.

Application Developer

Sell like you've never sold it before.

We have an optimal solution to monetize your app in the Appstore with secured and transparent payment services. Our Payment service enables you with our tools to integrate your app into the appropriate appstore for better earnings, avoiding multiple vendors in the transaction.

Payment types can be

  • Pay per download
  • Pay per view
  • Pay per click